Thursday, August 30, 2012

Thames (NZ): Tararu sea wall

Over the years, the sea wall at Tararu (just north of the old Thames North School) has often taken a hammering from the heavy seas that can hit the area. In the early years of the goldfield, this often meant that the tramway that ran from Thames to Tararu was damaged. The road narrow, with little room for repair.
The walkway in those years known as O'Neill's Esplanade.

The old papers have many examples of years when repairs urgently took place. In 1913 the Thames Borough Council hoped to have the problem solved and had three men engaged in filling the holes to the wall.

The photo below is one example of damage to the sea wall in 1907,

Auckland Weekly News 11 July 1907
' Sir George Grey Special Collections, Auckland Libraries, AWNS-19070711-4-3 '