Saturday, January 3, 2015

Thames (NZ): THEN & NOW: The gasworks in Mary Street

Hard to believe we had a gasworks in Thames that caught the imagination of many Thamesites, providing lighting to many in the town. One of my favourite views looking up Mary Street from the Queen Street intersect.

On the right is the Thames Gas Company office and the gates lead to the gasworks. Up from that is the Methodist Church and over the road is Bane Bros, later the site for many years for one of the two A Court's shops (the other on the left hand corner aka Court's Corner). See the Boer War Memorial on the left at the Mary Street and Pollen Street Corner. No wonder they had to move it as increasingly vehicular traffic would hit it!

The view of Mary Street today, the Thames War Memorial Civic Centre is on the right, where once the gasworks stood.
Source: Google maps.

The view of the Gasworks - past and present site.
Further info: